Backcare Yoga & Breathwork

with Lyne Lantaigne

Whether your pain is due to injury, surgery, repeated misalignment patterns, a work or sport related injury, or stress related, these gentle yet specific yoga movements will help bring balance to your body. Promote proper alignment, improve posture, and restore optimal function, in order to bring ease back into your life. Whether you are a seasoned yoga practitioner or new to Yoga you will benefit from this mindful approach.

In my private practice I have worked with people who suffer from back pain, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, disc herniations, sciatica, and pain arising from a combination of musculoskeletal conditions for over 18 years. This program is amazing to prevent pain. It will help you eliminate pain, regain ease of movement and give you back your vitality. This class will help you:

  • Reduce and eliminate pain.
  • Understand and practice ways to improve your posture.
  • Create balance between stability (strength) and mobility (stretch) in muscle groups that affect all your joints.
  • Understand the importance of how to work with the force of gravity and its opposite, levity, by properly sequencing force from the ground up.
  • Bring awareness to habitual holding patterns, in your body and your breath and learn new ways of supporting yourself.
  • Access a peaceful mind state through use of various breath awareness and pranayama practices, visualization, asana (yoga based postures), mantra and mudra.

For more information and to register, see her website, or contact Lyne at or 604-989-0742.

When: Sept 12 to December 12 (11 weeks)
no class Oct 24 and Oct 31
Thursdays 9 - 10:30am
Moon Studio (max 12 students in studio) and Zoom livestream
Pre-registered: $220
Lyne's 10-pass (valid for 1 year): $220
Drop-in: $22 (if space permits)
Please contact Lyne to pre-register and prior to attending as a drop-in for first time