44542906 10160935638795510 2166855118736064512 o: DanceSing Playshop

DanceSing Playshop

Do you love to sing and dance? Imagine doing them together and experiencing total delight!

If you have ever wanted to explore your voice but mostly belt it out in your car or the shower, if you have been told (by others or yourself) that you shouldn’t sing or don’t have a good voice, or simply feel completely intimidated by the very word singing then let me help you put all that to rest and truly let go and explore your unique sound.

If you love to dance but feel completely self conscious about how you look or feel you can’t let go then I invite you to come and play with movement and let the music and your body guide you on a journey of self discovery.

Come and play with your own unique expression in a fun, loving, supportive environment free from judgement and dance and sing through the fears and insecurities into the delight of your body’s movement and sound…

Cost: $33 – $44 sliding scale
if you want to come but money is an issue, please, contact me and we can work something out

To register email Paola at paopaodancesing@live.com

Pre-registration highly appreciated! 💖
(but not required to attend)

Bring a water bottle and yoga mat if possible and anything else you think you will need to be comfortable.