with Lyne Lantaigne, Registered Yoga Therapist, CYA-E-RYT 550
In this workshop you will:
- Learn the anatomy of the pelvis/hips and understand the connection between the feet, legs and pelvis.
- Learn how to use your breath to release tension.
- Connect with the force of gravity to create levity in your body.
- Explore the entire range of movement possible from your hips.
- Integrate this knowledge through a guided practice of active and restorative yoga postures.
When: Sunday, May 20th, 1:00 – 5:00pm
Cost: $60 pre-registered
Contact Lyne at lyne@samayogatherapy.com to register.
As a Yoga therapist CYA-E-RYT 550 (Integrative Yoga Therapy) I understand how to work with your body to alleviate pain and I teach you the tools so you can do it yourself. Your life is written in your body. I help guide you in uncovering and honoring your body’s messages.