Shadow yoga is closely based on the ancient Hatha yoga texts, which describe the specific progression of learning to be followed by those wishing to study this discipline. The practice of Shadow yoga begins with three “preludes” (preparatory movement sequences) designed to be practiced for three to seven years. Diligently working the Shadow yoga preludes creates a strong foundation from which yoga asana work can safely grow. The Shadow yoga preludes are fluid and dynamic; they use foundational movements to build strength, cultivate proper breathing and ignite the internal fire. This internal fire helps to burn through obstructions in the body/mind, thus allowing the life energy to flow more freely in us and also through us.
When: November 9 – 11, 2018
Times: Friday 5 – 6:45pm, Sat 7 – 9am and 4 – 6pm and Sun 7 – 8:30am
Investment: $125 or $20 for the Friday evening intro class only.
Registration by interact transfer and email to and more details at